Venom Movie. Maybe a SHE-VENOM?

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With all the trailers coming out showing Tom Hardy  and the symbiote suite, I cannot help but wonder if along with Venom we might catch a gimps of SHE-Venom in this film.  As soon as I saw the name Anne Weying listed on the IMDB site for this Venom film I just had to wonder  if we might even get a chance to see her slip on the black symbiote suite for this feature film. One of the  original comic book splash pages listed for sale on our site shows exactly that, Anne Weying getting her first taste of the symbiote lifestyle.  From the pages of Venom: Along Came a Spider  Issue 2 Page 7,  The symbiote goes through the phone lines from Eddie Brock’s body to hers while she is held up at a police station.  It is one of the first appearances of the She- Venom and this splash page really does it justice.  There is no hint yet in any of the trailers but perhaps Michelle Williams will also get a chance to bond with the symbiote and we will get a look at more than one venom in this film. Might have to come up with another way for the symbiote to get to her as these days not a lot of people use land lines anymore 🙂



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