Specializing in Transformers, Superheroes,and G.I. Joe characters, this official comic books artist will create some of the most detail artwork you can find. As a PIN-UP or in a comic page style you can expect nothing but the best for your images to come to life. Frank has done the inks for IDWs Transformers
Spotlight: Doubledealer and the pencils and inks for many pages in the Beast Wars Sourcebooks. You will continue to see his work in many more comic and magazine pages to come and now is your chance to obtain a personal commission form this talented artist.
From giant sizes page pin ups to sequential comic page formats, he will bring to life your Transformers images in ways you never thought possible.
Commission pricing will vary based on the subject matter and the detail requested. From Pin Up style to 3-4 panels comic pages layouts.
Email us with what you want and we will get back to you with a cost and timeframe.