Transformers Toy Give-away
Back when we first started our website about eight years ago getting inbound links with other sites was pretty simple. We would contact the site, show them our links page and that was it. Inbound links really help boost ratings with the search engines and it also is a great way for those actively looking for your content to find your page. With the launch of our new site’s makeover we set out again to track down other sites to do link exchanges with. In trying to seek out other sites to connect with we thought we could have a little giveaway to also share this Transformers find we found this weekend and a garage sale for one low price.
The problem is we were not exactly sure who we found in this box of toys.
Our best guess at first glance was:
1) Big guy with Dragon heads=Scourge
2) Red Car= Alternators Swerve
3) Small one = Movie Ironhide
4) Optimus Prime
4) Bumblebee
6) Star Wars Crossover ( not sure here, two downwards horns on the guy’s head)??
7) Galvatron
8) Hotrod
9) Decepticon Green Skull Car ????
10) Silverbolt
With a lot of Transformers questions still left, we went to the folks at the Cybertron Cafe : The Transformers Trading Group for a little help.
After a few minutes we were corrected by the experts and our new list looked like this.
1) Big guy with Dragon heads=Scourge
2) Red Car= Alternators Sideswipe.
3) Small one = Movie Ironhide
4) Optimus Prime
4) Bumblebee
6) The Star Wars Crossover is Saesee Tiin Starfighter. Missing the two hyperdrive ring pieces.
7) Cyclonus
8) Hotrod
9) Cybertron Cannonball
10) Silverbolt
Now with the names all correct we were off to see who would want to do a link exchange for one of these Transformers. If we cannot land any link exchanges it may be time to pay for some banner displays, time will tell.
We are looking for some inbound links to connect up with our website.
If you have a blog, online store or any site related to comics or original artwork in any way, set up for a link exchange between the two sites and we will send you any of these displayed transformers free, we will even take care of the shipping to any location in the USA or Canada. One figure per inbound link. We will ship it in a bubble mailer to your address once you show us where the link to our site is displayed, that you set up for us.
Set up a link pointing back to our site then let us know which one you want.
1) Big guy with Dragon heads=Scourge
2) Red Car= Alternators Sideswipe.
3) Small one = Movie Ironhide
4) Optimus Prime
4) Bumblebee
6) The Star Wars Crossover is Saesee Tiin Starfighter. Missing the two hyperdrive ring pieces.
7) Cyclonus
8) Hotrod
9) Cybertron Cannonball
10) Silverbolt
You can use a simple text link, but a banner link would be preferred and we included two of our banners here. If you need a different sized banner just let us know. If you have any questions please ask.